Christmas greetings

What a blessing that Christmas anticipation doesn't cause any pain! Otherwise we would have had to be taken to hospital long ago. And it won't be any different for you any time soon!

Advent Calendar

Some of you may have already noticed! This year, we have a Calmus Advent calendar for you. Starting today, we will release a piece of our new CD "Christmas Lights" on YouTube every day until Christmas. You can peek behind the first door here:

Madrigal for Christmas

CD Release Concert

But what would a CD release be without an official release concert? On December 6, we will be coming to the Pauluskirche in Halle/Saale for the first time with our own “Weihnacht a cappella” event entitled "Christmas Lights". You can find an overview of our own events this year here:

December 6, 2023, at 7:30 PM in Pauluskirche Halle/Saale, tickets available at the local church office, at Ticketgalerie Halle as well as on the day

December 19, 2023, at 7:30 PM in Ev.-Reformierte Kirche Leipzig, tickets available here

December 21, 2023, at 8:00 PM in Laeiszhalle Hamburg, tickets available here

CD-Release-Konzert Halle/Saale

Online concert

And for all those who can't come to Halle/Saale, Leipzig or Hamburg, there's something very special just before Christmas. On December 23rd, we will finally be streaming an online concert on YouTube again after a year and a half. Our audience in France and North America, in particular, are going through a bit of a dry spell at the moment. How great that there is the world wide web, through which we are happy to sneak into your living rooms and spread our Christmas music, at least digitally! You can find out which people and which tunes you can bring into your (hopefully well-decorated) homes here:

Trailer Christmas Lights


So it's all going to be digital in the next few weeks, but you'll also be hearing a lot from us on analog radio. We'll be on three radio stations at one go. Deutschlandfunk and SWR2 will be broadcasting two live concerts that we sang in August and September. BR2 will bring us directly into the Christmas program of the BR broadcasters on Christmas Eve. You can find more information here:

December 10, 2023 at 21.05 on Deutschlandfunk, more info
December 24, 2023 at 16.05 on BR2, more info
January 6, 2024 at 10.03 am on SWR2, more info

Your turn!

And finally, we would like to remind you once again of the announcement we sent you two weeks ago in the form of a breaking news item. We would be very happy if you could spread the video so that as many people as possible have the chance to express their wish for the future and thus become part of a very special and personal composition. The closing date for entries is January 15, 2024.

Kompositionsauftrag an Bernd Franke

December is full of opportunities to see and hear each other again. We are very much looking forward to it! As always, you can find a complete list of our upcoming concerts at the end of this email.

Happy Advent season!

Your Calmus Ensemble
Elisabeth, Maria, Friedrich, Jonathan und Michael

List of concerts until the end of January:

06.12.2023, 19:30 h, Halle/Saale (DE), Pauluskirche
09.12.2023, 19:00 h, Bad Saulgau (DE), Altes Kloster
10.12.2023, 19:30 h, Bad Arolsen (DE), Festspielhaus Fürstliche Reitbahn
10.12.2023, 21:05 h, Radio, Deutschlandfunk
17.12.2023, 19:30 h, Pully (CH), Collège Champittet
19.12.2023, 19:30 h, Leipzig (DE), Ev.-Reformierte Kirche
21.12.2023, 20:00 h, Hamburg (DE), Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal
23.12.2023, 19:00 h, YouTube (Internet), Online-Konzert
28.12.2023, 20:00 h, Basel (CH), Don Bosco, Paul Sacher Saal
06.01.2023, 10:03 h, Radio, SWR2
13.01.2023, 19:30 h, Norden (DE), Theater
14.01.2023, 19:00 h, Ahaus (DE), Schloss Ahaus, Fürstensaal

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